Mike & Carol's Bushtracker Adventures Around Australia

Saturday, January 14, 2006

2006 Great Divide Tours - Victorian High Country Trek

Saturday - 14 January 2006

This was the last day (day 7) of our trek along the Victorian High Country.

We broke camp at Talbotville Township Site and drove to the highest point of our travels, some 1730 metres above sea level to a place called Mount Bluerag.

Our trip leader Wayne had promised a most exciting day and his promise was kept. Originally he intended for us all to drive up Basalt Knob track but alas he could not drive over the huge first conservation mound, so we had to take another route to our first stop, morning tea at the Red Cabin.

After that we drove along the Bluerag track to Mount Bluerag. Carol drove our truck all the way, and seeing she had not driven all week, we were all very impressed by her driving skills and achievement.

At the top of Mount Bluerag we all took in the breathtaking views, had the compulsory group photo taken by Belinda, Wayne's wife, then proceeded down the same track to the bitumen crossroad.

Here we all said our goodbyes and took our own way to where-ever we were going.
It had been a fabulous week where we created great friendships with wonderful co-participants in this adventure.

Wayne had been a terrific trip leader and the experience will always be remembered with great joy and pleasure.