Mike & Carol's Bushtracker Adventures Around Australia

Sunday, July 16, 2006

SYDNEY BROOME TRIP 2006 - Saturday 8 July to Friday 14 July

Saturday 8 July to Friday 14 July


Blog 11

Always ready to explore new adventures we tried our hand at kayaking down at Gantheaume Point. Our friends Steve and Leith were generous enough to allow us to use their kayaks. It was fantastic fun but too much like hard work because you have to keep paddling.

When there is a full moon and the tide is very low there is a phenomenon that is known as Staircase to the Moon visible from Town Beach which is the reflection of the rising full moon on the exposed mud flats. It was unusually cold, cloudy and wet this particular night but the clouds cleared enough for us to see the Staircase to the Moon.

If we are still here for the next one we may get better photos but it certainly was beautiful to see and of course there were crowds of people enjoying it with us.

The sunsets on Cable Beach are picture book stuff and watching the camels just adds to the magic.

My sister Rachel arrived to enjoy the magic of Broome so we revisited some of the local sights.